Monday, March 21, 2011

The Artist's Hand

The Kimah constellation cold white beauty shining bright
The canvas of the universe so awesome to be seen
On backdrop of black velvet scattered through with diamond light
Has undersigned The Artist’s name but not in star-ish gleam

I stood once in a gallery, fine paintings in their frames
Saw the work “Where Do We Come From” by the artist Paul Gauguin
I gazed upon this work of art but could not see a name
No matter for I recognized the artist’s style and hand

A Bible writer said it best when speaking of our God
His qualities invisible are seen in things so fine
His signature is everywhere see where his footsteps trod
His style and flair perfection all things pretty in their time

Jehovah’s faithful creatures like his universe so vast
Are a canvas rich and vibrant and reflective of his love
But sadly was this family portrait slashed by greed so harsh    
Rebellion by a foremost son a spirit once beloved

The slash was fierce a tear so broad affecting all mankind
Our parents in their Eden fair sold out on all their own
They joined this cruel rebellious son by giving him their mind
Their choice affecting all of us, their sin is now our own

Rebellion was so foolish, so short sighted, sure to fail
Jehovah is the artist and his style and hand is love  
A foot-wound on the human form in time will surely heal
The body’s healing process glorifies the God of Love

In love both fierce and challenging God’s firstborn son of old
To vindicate his father’s rule took on his mission clear
Came down to earth and gave his life in sacrifice so bold
To sanctify his fathers name he gave not in to fear

Love--the strongest bond of all the strongest in creation
Jesus, God brought back to life to carry on his will
He will in time now bring to nought the Devils’ machination
Restore the canvas that was slashed and love and peace instil

The canvas is restored with love and strong determination
The Artist oversees the work performed by all his own
They will not rest they shall not cease until in consternation
The Devil sees his works undone his rule is overthrown

“Why are we here, where do we come from”, this an artist pondered
The answer?  Bound up in the words to us a model prayer
God’s kingdom is the instrument like palette knife now wielded
In Jesus’ hands; an artist with his father’s style and flair

God’s Kingdom will restore to man a paradise of pleasure
Humans will enjoy the rule of God maligned at first
Life everlasting on this earth life lived in fullest measure
Bestowed upon all faithful ones who quench their spirit’s thirst

The starry skies so high above a canvas grand and spacious
Intelligent creation will admire its wondrous span
Gone will be the vandal cruel the one with hate so vicious
The one who failed to contemplate The Artist’s style and hand

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