Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ode To Cass On Her Wedding Day

Beneath the bluff exterior there beats a heart of gold
Four hundred thirty dollars an ounce the value is I’m told
And just like gold that’s buried, but not too deeply down
defences hide that heart of gold, oft’ guarded with a frown

But those that seek for gold my friends by appearance are not fooled
Her friends? They see right past them to the qualities that rule
But I mustn’t labour long the point you’re not that dull I know
Suffice to say our darling Cass caused her dearest's heart to glow

Cass grew up a country girl with brothers three and rough
And sisters two and mum and dad and discipline was tough
Her teenage dream was marriage to a man of rural roots
In her minds eye she saw him in doeskins and high heeled boots

But life’s a strange mix-master and we’re each a different bowl
Containing the ingredients that profoundly shape our soul
So family, farm and God’s true word and hard knocks not a few
Shaped the girl that we call Cass, she turned out quite true blue

So on this most important day that she’s had since her birth
We join with Cas and Martin and celebrate their worth
Their worth to one another and the worth of their true love
And just like gold that’s highly prized their worth to God above

**endnote - Doeskins - Distinctive jeans worn by men and women in the rural community in Australia. A brushed (or not) material cream in colour

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