Saturday, January 16, 2010

On Questions of Belief

Searching, wondering, listening
To feelings deep inside
Exploring possibilities
Bad theories thrown aside

Is there a God? Did we evolve?
Is worship just a crutch?
We ponder this quite endlessly
Being cynical overmuch

Those that claim a worship true
In actions oft’ betrayed
As nothing more than hypocrites
Their piety falsely played

In times of war it’s all so clear
For - “God is on my side”
But just the same their enemy
‘Neath God’s loving hand does hide

So some say, “I’ll be an atheist,
It makes just much more sense”
Then look closely at a flower
Or the universe immense

And start to wonder yet again
Was all just happenstance?
Will we find the answer in a fix,
Or seek it in a trance?

But then, perhaps, a lucid patch
And think – “if there is God,
We can surely find his fingerprints
Or where his footsteps trod”

I once read a Bible verse
The writer made no fuss
Just simply said to grope for God
He’s not far from each of us.

His fingerprints are everywhere
His footsteps clearly seen
Look there! Just look at DNA
A blueprint in the genes

So what came first? I’m asking you
The blueprint or the cell
The truth can be quite clearly shown
I beg you, let me tell.

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