Saturday, January 16, 2010

Psychics vs. God

Psychics, psychics, psychics, psychics, what am I saying next?
Psychics? Yes! You are quite right, only you, I’m sure, could know
But please grant me this one doubt, for a while it’s been my quest
If I asked a bunch of you, who would my future show?

But now let’s not think a year, or even six months time
Let us talk about next week or even a fortnight hence
I’ll get back to you straight up with praises quite refined
If your forecast lines with truth I’ll know it’s no pretense

You must drop the flowery speech couched in the vaguest terms
You must speak specific things that only I could know
That’s not all, please hear me out, the rules now you must learn
Not just one, but lots of you, must clear my future show

Come now, be more reasonable, why set so high the bar?
You must not expect precise results we feel that’s mean!
Hush now, you who say you know the future from afar
If you do this by the rules your merit’s clearly seen

But if you can not perform and tell it all so true
We ourselves can not be blamed for seeing through your fraud
If you’re brave, come on, let’s go, the focus is on you
What? No way? It’s not for you? Can’t say I won’t applaud

Hey! Don’t walk away in shame, there’s reason here to learn
There’s a book precisely penned that clearly shows what’s next
Showing both the near and far, don’t slight it, to it turn
Countless words of prophesy are hidden in its text

Telling both the near and far a thousand years they show
God’s word gives us such clear sight within a world so mean
Come now you, who want to learn, come read it and then know
Predictions true, the future shown, God’s glory clearly seen.

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